Monday, February 7, 2011

He Got the Call!

We have been so excited an anxious about Cameron getting his call.  Two weeks is a long time to wait.  Most of Cameron's friends at BYUH have been getting their calls on Fridays so we were hoping to get the call Feburary 4th.  Sure enough just before 3:00 p.m. Cameron called with excitement in his voice, he had gotten the big white envelope.  Lonnie wouldn't be home until 4:00 so that gave us enough time to pace the floor and wait.  The kids were home from school so everyone was anxious.  Lonnie finally got home and we set up skype so we could watch as he open his call.  He seemed a little nervous as he open his envelope.  He had some of his good friends close by as he opened it.  ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, SPANISH SPEAKING.  So crazy only 6 hours away from us, a place that we would probably call our second home since we have been going there ever years since Cameron was a baby.  It's pretty cool that he gets to serve there since his dad served in the San Jose Mission, plus the fact that Cameron has wanted to live in California since he was young.